Resources and Resourcefulness
Du, Jialin, and Eric Yanfei Zhao (2023) "International expansion and home-country resource acquisition: A signaling perspective of emerging-market firms' internationalization." Journal of International Business Studies, 54: 1642-1660. [PDF]
Ge, Jianhua, Joanna Li, Eric Yanfei Zhao, and Fan Yang (2022) "Rags to riches? Entrepreneurs' social classes, resourceful time allocation, and venture performance." Journal of Business Venturing, 37(5): 106248. [PDF]
Williams, Trent, Eric Yanfei Zhao, Scott Sonenshein, Deniz Ucbasaran, and Gerard George (2021) "Breaking boundaries to creatively generate value: The role of resourcefulness in entrepreneurship." Journal of Business Venturing, 36: 1-17. [PDF]
Zhao, Eric Yanfei, and Michael Lounsbury (2016) "An institutional logics approach to social entrepreneurship: Market logic, religious diversity, and resource acquistion by microfinance organizations." Journal of Business Venturing, 31(6): 643-662. [PDF]
Zhao, Eric Yanfei, and Tyler Wry (2016) "Not all inequality is equal: Deconstructing the societal logic of patriarchy to understand microfinance lending to women." Academy of Management Journal, 59(6): 1994-2020. [PDF]
Cobb, Adam, Tyler Wry, and Eric Yanfei Zhao* (2016) "Funding financial inclusion: Institutional logics and the contextual contingency of funding for microfinance organizations." Academy of Management Journal, 59(6): 2103-2131. [PDF]
Zhao, Eric Yanfei, Masakazu Ishihara, and Michael Lounsbury (2013) "Overcoming the illegitimacy discount: Cultural entrepreneurship in the US feature film industry." Organization Studies, 34(12): 1747-1776. [PDF]